Lyudmyla Khrystynych-Papagiannidis was born in 1963 in Siberia by exiled Ukrainian parents. When she was seven years old she and her family returned in her homeland Ukraine. During her first years at school, her teachers were amazed by her talent and at the last year of high school she won the first prize of the painting exhibition. After completing basic education, she studied pedagogy in the University of Ternopol while taught painting at "Hudosnia Scola" in the same city.In 1996 she moved to Greece to work. In 2005 while being in Athens she met the mechanical-electrical engineer Kostas Papagiannidis. They got married andinstalled in the village Kontias in Lemnos island. They established there, where she made her atelier and opened her personal Gallery as well.In 2010 and 2011 she studied to the famous Ukrainian painter Stanislav Kovalchuk, winner of the top prize of "National union of artists of Ukrane".She has multiple talents and likes to follow different techniques. Working on canvas, she decides at the last minute, according to her inspiration, the technique to apply to her new work. The live colors of the environment influence her art expression and her sensibility comes true on her paintings which are full of energy and they reflect the rainbow colors to their best expression. The art critics described her exhibitions as "Sun, light and joy of life".Personal exhibitions:
Group exhibitions:
Some of her art-works are in private collections in Ukraine, Greece, Germany, England, Italy, France, Switzerland, Norway, Australia, Japan, Canada and America.One piece of her work named "The house of Alexander" belongs to the permanent collection and exhibition of the Contemporary Balkan Art Gallery of Kondias in Lemnos Island of Greece.After her personal exhibition in Ukraine 4 of her paintings belongs and are exposed in the permanent collection of the Ternopil Regional Museum and 2 of them at the Ternopil museum of Art. |